Some people find it helpful to distract themselves, to help them interrupt their unwanted thoughts and stop them focusing on their treatment.
We've given you some ideas here about how you might be able to distract yourself, and you might have some great ideas of your own!
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our ideas
Some ways you could distract yourself:
Listen to music (through headphones) – pick music that makes you feel good/calm
Fidget spinners or popper toys
Wriggle your fingers and toes
Read a book
Do a puzzle
Play a game on a phone, tablet or in your head
Talk to someone, or ask them to talk to you, about a topic that interests you
Do a 'mental challenge'
- maths problems (can you count backwards from 100 in 6s?)
- how many green things can you see?
- how many times can you sing a song in your head before you finish?
Do you have any other ideas? If you want, you can tell us about them here and we can add them to our list!